Who benefits?

Whether you are judged an effective leader or a knowledgeable expert depends a great deal on whether people hear and see an effective communicator. Employees, investors, senior management, media, industry peers and customers demand professional delivery and clear messages before they commit their support, their money or their time.

Our team of vCoaches have over two decades of experience helping business leaders, all over the globe, become better communicators. We assist:

Managers and supervisors

Whether presenting to their team/s, briefing senior management or delivering speeches to industry peers or partners.

Senior management

Whether delivering speeches externally or hosting employee ‘town hall’ meetings, webinars or teleconferences.

Communications and PR professionals

Either preparing themselves or others in the company for media interviews or key internal or external presentations - delivering good or handling bad news; rehearsing for a Q&A session; introduce a difficult restructuring; delivering motivational or visionary messages.

Investor relations specialists

Presenting financials is more than data delivery- analysts calls, shareholder communications or webinars are about showcasing a business story. Practise strong delivery of prepared briefings, responding techniques for Q&As, and opening or closing statements.

Subject matter experts

Complex business or technical issues need to be explained concisely and clearly during critical meetings with regulators, politicians, partners, officials or even the media.

Sales & Marketing teams

Winning a client with a business pitch or proposal requires establishing an immediate connection to make your business stand out from the pack.

Future leaders

Communications skills are vital to personal development for new, fast-track graduates or high-potential individuals in the company. Achieving personal mastery in communications can change the trajectory of a career.

HR and talent managers

HR and talent managers know that investing in the skills of the workforce will keep the company ahead of competition. It also attracts talent and helps retention. It's been estimated that nearly 25% of all employees leave their job because they lack training or learning opportunities. vCoaching helps keep the workforce engaged and learning.